Enemies oppose Iran elections

TEHRAN- In a meeting with a large number of people from East Azerbaijan Province, the Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei described the front of Arrogance as being opposed to Iran’s elections. This meeting was held in the Imam Khomeini Hussainiyah on Sunday.
According to Khamenei.ir, during this meeting which took place on the 46th anniversary of the Popular Uprising of the People of Tabriz and in the lead up to Iran’s parliamentary elections and the Assembly of Experts elections on March 1, 2024, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution emphasized that the elections are a reflection of the republican system and the Islamic Republic's values, which are in conflict with the Arrogant Powers’ plans.
"Elections are a manifestation of the republican system and this is why the Arrogant Powers and the U.S., who are opposed to both republicanism and the Islamic nature of the Islamic Republic, are against the elections and the enthusiastic participation of the people at the ballot boxes," the Leader added.
Ayatollah Khamenei stated that in the past, a U.S. president once called on the Iranian nation to boycott elections while it actually backfired and in opposition to him, people participated with even more enthusiasm. After that they stopped saying this directly, but they still try to distance people from the elections using various methods.
The Leader emphasized, "Over the decades, there has never been an election violation in the sense claimed by the enemy, and what they allege is baseless. In the cases where some allegations were made, some violations were identified after investigations were carried out and assessments were made. However, those violations were never such to cause a change in the overall results. And the elections in the country have always been healthy, valid, and dignified."
Elsewhere in his speech, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution expressed his appreciation to the Iranian people for their enthusiastic participation in the 22nd of Bahman rallies, which are held annually across the country.
He said, “The nation demonstrated its perseverance, fervor, and revolutionary pride in all the large and small cities and villages. Those who hoped to see the nation disheartened and see them forget about the 22nd of Bahman were taken by surprise.”
Ayatollah Khamenei highlighted the progress and increasing strength of the Revolution over its 45-year history despite facing a storm of challenges and plots.
He explained that, "The Revolution, meaning the nation and the system, by passing through the challenging passageways, is now stronger and more powerful. And it has a more penetrating viewpoint and influence. At present, we must recognize our key responsibilities and address them in a timely manner.”
The Leader regards "looking at oneself and looking at the enemy" to be two essential duties for everyone. In this regard, he said, “We must have a correct assessment of ourselves and the enemy, and neglecting this duty is a great tragedy.”
Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized that the objective of knowing oneself means the appreciation, preservation, and enhancement of strengths, while addressing and overcoming weaknesses at the same time. In delineating the strengths of the Revolution and the nation, he described the overthrow of the tyrannical, unjust, irreligious, thoroughly corrupt, monarchical [Pahlavi] regime as being its most significant accomplishment.
“That [tyrannical] system did not give any rights, respect, or roles to the people. And in many cases, the way it actually ruled was based on the command of the Americans and the British embassy,” he asserted.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution added, “Now, in contrast to that corrupt system, the people are the owners of both the country and the system. They determine the direction of the country by directly or indirectly choosing the country’s main officials.”
Spreading the ideas and values of the Revolution - especially in the region, relative success in preventing the spread of Western culture as the dominant culture, formation of voluntary groups of the people, expansion of services to cover all regions of the country, and training international scientists in various fields were some of the successes that the Leader referred to in his assessment of the endeavors of the Revolution.
Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized the imperative nature of protecting national unity as a fundamental responsibility of the people. “Everyone should note that fulfilling these duties and responsibilities is an act of jihad in confronting the enemy, because they do not want these duties to be fulfilled. That is why they are against any positive action that is taken in the Islamic Republic,” he said.
When speaking about the second important duty, which is, "looking at the enemy," the Leader of the Islamic Revolution stated, “We must not be neglectful about the enemy, and we must keep in mind that the enemy is deceitful and cunning and has tools at its disposal. We must not assume that the enemy is weak and incapable. And at the same time, we should not be afraid of the enemy, its threats, pressures, and intimidation.”
Ayatollah Khamenei attributed the tricks and agitation exhibited by Iran's ill-wishers to the strength and progress of the Islamic Revolution. “We must not be passive when confronting the enemy, because their policy is to belittle their opposition and make them passive,” he said.
Elsewhere in his speech, Ayatollah Khamenei lauded the people of Azerbaijan as exemplars of zeal, love, enthusiasm, and faith throughout the annals of history continuing up to the recent decades and the present era.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution recounted the uprising of the people of Tabriz on the 29th of Bahman, 1356 AHS (February 18, 1978 AD), describing it as a historic event.
“That event did not allow the uprising of the people of Qom on the 19th of Dey AHS (January 9, 1978 AD) to become something ineffectual. By spreading a spirit of uprising and a Revolutionary fervor throughout the country, it became the basis for the victory of the Islamic Revolution,” he explained.
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